Upcoming Workshops
Please join me for an afternoon of Restorative Yoga including a Yoga Nidra meditation whilst immersed in nature
on this beautiful deck. Allow yourself to deeply rest before the Christmas rush is upon us.
Light refreshments served afterwards. Feel free to bring a bottle of wine!
Please bring all your own props. - yoga mat, bolster, two blocks, blankets and a strap. Props can be borrowed from the studio.
Limited to 18 participants
Date; Sunday 15 Nov 2020
Time; 3.30pm to 5.50pm
Place; 68 Roderick Street, Cornubia, Brisbane
Payment information at this link
We would love to invite you to join Adam and John for a fun afternoon
combining two of our favourite things! YOGA and CHAI!
They have an afternoon planned which will start with a fun 'themed' vinyasa flow class led by Adam and afterwards you will learn the art of making an amazing and authentic Chai tea. The afternoon will be fun, interactive and will cater for all dietary considerations.
Maybe bring your own favourite mug and learn to combine the raw spices and ingredients of an authentic and delicious chai tea with us.
All participants will receive a 140 gram pouch of special chai tea as a gift (retails for $19)
We also have a complimentary digital recipe book which we would like to share with you as well that is filled with delicious, nutritious, quick, easy and yummy recipes!
Keep your eyes open also for our LUCKY DOOR PRIZE upon entry.
Date; Sunday 24 Nov 2019
Time; 1.30pm
Place; Beenleigh Neighbourhood Centre, Mansfield Walk, Beenleigh
Pay $40AU now using Paypal or credit card
Coming again soon
Date; Sunday 8 December 2019
Time; 3.30 to 5.30pm
Place; Shake Your Buddha Home Studio
(directly oppposite 83 Cark Heck Boulevard, Windaroo - sign on gate)
We invite you to join Elle at 'Shake Your Buddha' for a relaxing Sunday Afternoon
full of healing, aromatherapy and yin/relaxation yoga (using bolsters) to end
your weekend feeling de-stressed, calm, balanced and ready for the silly season.
You will walk out in a blissful, serene state. We will be using aromatherapy and yoga to boost immunity, reduce stress, promote better sleep and work towards better health. This class is suitable for beginners and up and welcomes those who may be suffering minor injuries. This is a popular, favourite specialty class! Don't miss out! Limited places available...
Open to only 15 participants. A very affordable price as a present to you all to prepare you for the busy Christmas period ahead.
Please note, places are not secured until PayPal payment has been received via the link above. No cash taken on the day.
Pay $25 now using Paypal or credit card
Coming again soon
"Music speaks what cannot be expressed; soothes the mind and gives it rest
Heals the heart and makes it whole; flows from heaven to the soul."
This workshop will teach you how to release the throat chakra and any blockages you may be holding onto. You don't need to be a singer and in actual fact, we do not even sing, we make sounds; beautiful sounds that will sooth your whole being. Inspired by the amazing Daniel Coates, please join me so I can share with you what Daniel has shared with me.
What is the issue behind you not wanting to sing?
What is the issue behind you not wanting to speak up?
Perhaps you need to learn when not to speak?
In this workshop, we will work on clearing the blockages that are stopping you from using your voice to it’s full potential.
This is a truly beautiful experience that I know you will totally love, enjoy and benefit from.
Nice hot cuppa and a sweet treat afterwards as well.
Limited to only 12 participants.
Coming again soon
"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” - Berthold Auerbach
Please Join our very own Kylie from SYB and special guest Mel Mayers from 'Perfect Harmony meditation space'. Together they will take you on a relaxing journey featuring guided meditations with soothing soul sounds of crystal bowls, Myrtle the hand-pan, shamanic drums, Dudley the Pikin Stik, and much more.
Please wear comfortable clothing. Yoga mats, blankets and eye pillows are provided but please feel free to bring along any more props you may need to make yourself comfortable.
Limited to only 12 participants.
Coming again soon
Join Trishna and the very talented Bart Seaton and Maddilyn Goodwyn for an afternoon of wonderful rest and relaxation. Whilst Trishna guides you through a delightful yoga session and yoga nidra the delightful 'Duo Faun' (Bart and Maddilyn) will take the session to another dimension with the soothing sounds of the flute and harp. An opportunity for a very personal experience and one not to be missed.